Best Valentine’s Present… Botox!

Oh No! You missed Valentine’s Day? Make up for it with a gift that lasts much longer than over-priced flowers & chocolate on this Hallmark Holiday! 😉

If you couples out there are wondering how to change things up this year, have you ever considered… botox?

To heck with tradition, and get your significant other what they truly want and that’s some great botox! If you guys are still out there sticking to your New Year’s resolution (good for you!), then those chocolates and candies can be a big no!

Get something that won’t break your good habits, but actually add to them! If your partner is trying to do more self care, and “me time”, then a gift certificate for a tox session at BLUR Tox Bar might just put the biggest smile on their face!

Anyway, botox last way longer than indulging in some chocolate! A gift that keeps on going strong for 3-5 months, who could ask for more?

You can call for a same day appointment, or use our online booking feature on our website!

Happy Valentine’s Day from the BLUR Team! ♥♥♥


why you should choose blur


skin care product highlight: gentle cleanser