how to maintain your botox

One question we get often here at BLUR is how can you make the most of your botox and how to maintain it.

With botox usually lasting between 3-5 months, it can be something that you find yourself often checking to see if you still have results or need to go in for your next treatment.

Here are some tips on how to maintain your botox and get the most out of your treatments!

Firstly, if you find yourself in front of a mirror often making different faces to “check” on your botox.. stop! When you check on your botox, you are actually working out the muscles in your face each time, which will inherently make the effects of botox not last long. Best thing you can do is not try to workout those muscles by constantly making the frown between the eyebrows or lifting your eyebrows.

Secondly, you can maintain your botox by coming in for our Poly Red Light therapy. This treatment is great for building collagen, diminishing dark spots, and helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This light therapy, combined with botox can leave your skin looking smooth and shiny!

And lastly, another great way to maintain your botox is by grabbing one of our Korean collagen boosting face mask, hand picked by our founder Dr. Jegasothy. These mask are renowned for how smooth it leaves your skin. Similar to the poly light, these mask are also great at helping with discoloration of the skin and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

If you follow these three steps, your botox will last longer and your skin will be healthy and glowing! And what’s more, you can get the last two on this list for free if you sign up for one of the Blur memberships!


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