new year, new you with botox!

We hear it every year around this time, new year new me..

New Year’s resolutions are a great way to motivate yourself into new, healthy habits. But- have you ever considered that getting your botox session in as a resolution?

Adding getting botox to your ever growing list of resolutions may seem irrelevant, but taking time for yourself should definitely be up there! Getting your botox can most definitely be a form of self care. If you’re looking to start caring for yourself more in the new year, consider coming into BLUR and start taking control of your aging trajectory.

Another important aspect of this botox resolution is your newly found confidence can set the tone for the entire year! Just starting on the right foot with your self care journey, wether you’re just beginning or you’ve been working it a long time, can really just put a positive note on the rest of the year.

And when you start the year off thinking about meeting your needs and doing things for you, you may just continue that habit of putting yourself first throughout the whole year!

So, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with us at BLUR to start your new year, new you journey the right way!


new year, new shape with vanquishme


Stereotypes about botox