working out & wrinkles

Gym rats… you might have met your match!

Working out and getting your exercise in is undoubtedly an important trait to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but is it possible that working out can be causing you to get premature wrinkles?!

Studies have shown that high impact training can be the cause to sagging skin and loss of its volume, even being dubbed “runner’s face”… As if some of us had more reason to hate the gym! You might be wondering if there’s specific workouts that you should avoid to reduce your chances of developing more wrinkles, and a key way to prevent wrinkle development is to adjust your fitness routine with a good mix of strength training and cardio exercise. Incorporating this workout regimen can help tone your muscles, including those just beneath your skin, making your skin look firmer and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Cardio can help improve circulation and increase the amount of human growth hormone released by the body. These both work to support the skin, causing it to produce more collagen. It helps to improve skin thickness and elasticity, replacing dead skin cells with new ones for a fresher, more youthful appearance.

But- wrinkles aren’t the only issue you may run into while hitting the gym. Acne and breakouts are very common in those who workout regularly. When you sweat, your body is trying to release impurities and if not washed properly can lead to acne. And for some of us, acne can leave scars and discoloration behind.

Now this may seem like an anti-gym article, but we strongly recommend all of our lovely clients try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly!

Though it may be hard to avoid acne and wrinkles when keeping your body fit, there are solutions that we here at BLUR can provide!

If you start to notice wrinkles appearing on your face, don’t hesitate to come in to our store and speak with one of our highly trained injectors to come up with a tox plan that works for you! And for those who have acne scars or discoloration of the skin due to many years of hitting the gym, we have a wonderful LED Red Light therapy machine known as the Poly Light that can help reduce the appearance of scars and help even the skin tone and also promote healing by helping your skin produce more collagen!

*reference article:


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